So I backed off. I offered and if she said no- it was done. No more trying to persuade or bribe. Although- we did bribe by saying if you sit, you'll get a treat. WM even tried offering to buy her a toy at Target. I'm not even sorry- we are not above bribing. But again, no dice.
Well, all this week after her diaper change when we bring her home after daycare- she hasn't wanted to put her diaper back on. So we busted out Dora and Minnie again and all this week- not only has she stayed dry but she has said, "potty," and we've run to the bathroom and she's gone. AND if I ask her, she WILLINGLY goes. Without tears or me chasing her around trying to get her to sit on the potty.
So, you see- the common advice- WAIT UNTIL THEY'RE READY- it's true. Really, I promise you! If you wait until they're TRULY ready and follow THEIR lead- I promise you there won't be very much training involved at all! I know this is only shy of a week but we've gone all week (during the evening hours) with no accidents and success going #1 and #2 in the potty all by herself.
When they're ready- THEN bust out all those tricks to keep that momentum going but if they're truly ready- you most likely won't have to use all those tricks up your sleeve we've all been told to use.
This weekend is tax free in Iowa so we're headed to Target to get stocked up on school supplies and then heading to Tanger Outlets for a little shopping for back to school clothes and maybe a little something extra for myself :).
Happy Friday, all! HAPPY POTTY TRAINING!