We've had a great weekend and fortunately we're all healthy! (KNOCK KNOCK) After I posted, Sophia kept all of her bottles down and was back up to eating 6 oz. at a time. On Saturday am when she woke up she had a pretty loose diaper and it ended up all over crib and pjs. We weren't sure if that had to do with her episode the night before or not but she seemed in great spirits and was hungry for breakfast. We decided to go to Marshalltown so after I returned from my haircut we packed up and headed to the mall to run some errands quick. I got the Iphone and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I was a little hesitant because in the past I've rushed into getting a new phone and ended up hating it! I have a MAC and an Ipod Touch so I figured that I would like the Iphone and I was right! I don't think I'll ever use anything else again!
Once we got to Mtown- prom festivities were well on their way! Brooklyn's hair was being finished up and we headed to the mall once again for makeup. Brooky's hair and make up turned out awesome and she looked so grown up. We got home and hung out for awhile before heading to one of Brooklyn's friend's house for pictures. We took lots of pictures, everybody looked great! Mom and I went to the college where the dance was being held and watched the promenade. Brooklyn and her group got in line pretty early so we didn't have to wait long to see them. After that, we grabbed some Zeno's Pizza- my absolute favorite- and headed home to eat with the boys. We did the hot tub and then went to bed! This am we decided to turn down the hot tub to about 98 degrees and got Sophia in there! She absolutely loved it! She was splashing and giggling and having so much fun! Next weekend we head to Omaha to go to the zoo and stay in a hotel so we're excited to see how she does in the pool. Not sure, as it probably is not as warm as bath water!
We're waiting for Gma and Gpa Scholtes to get here, we're going to grill out tonight and maybe get outside to enjoy the nice weather. Sophia also has gone from having that loose diaper to being kind of constipated, she hasn't slept well all day and was only eating 4 ounces or so. We didn't really think anything of it but think that could be the problem. Hopefully, she can get something out soon! :) Tomorrow, Sophia has her 9 mo. check up and we are just going to hang out until class! Excited that we got a nice 4 day weekend!