Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Baby S' Acrobatics
WOW! Last night around 2:30 I awoke to something jabbing my hand, which was lying on my stomach. (and Will's snoring, but that's a whole other story!) I laid there for a moment longer with my eyes closed and put both my hands on my stomach- there it was again, and again, and again! I then had to open them and feel just to make sure I wasn't imagining things! For the next 15-20 minutes Baby S was kicking and moving and I could feel it so clearly. She gave me a couple of good ones too! Will started moving next to me, so I asked if he was awake and told him to put his hand on my stomach- and next thing you know, Baby S gave him a little jab too! It was so awesome to finally be able to feel her move and to be able to have Will feel it too!