Welp, we're well into 2021 already and it definitely hasn't been boring! My goals for returning to blog regularly went out the window as quickly as they were formed. I am trying here! :)
I thought I'd share some updates and a little life lately.
We seriously hunkered in with all the snow and cold- making way to work on indoor projects. We're THISCLOSE to being done with the basement and I will never appreciate that space more since it's been pretty much off limits for the last several weeks. We get carpet installed next week and then it's the fun part- putting it back together and reimagining a more functional, fun space for the kids to hang out!
This week we FINALLY saw sunshine and WARMTH (for Iowa that's anything over 30 degrees) and I can't tell you how good it felt to go outside again. It's been SO good for our souls!
I was officially fully vaccinated a few weeks ago and while I debated for awhile if I should get vaccinated when others are still struggling to get appointments, I decided to go for it. Mental health therapists were eligible at the same time as other healthcare workers and while I'm not back at the office yet, I decided to go for it so that we can begin to plan out what spring/summer looks like here...
Which brings me to my next update- I'm headed back into the office for at least a few days a week! And that means Sullivan will most likely head back to daycare, too! He's been home since last March and it feels like I'm sending my newborn baby to daycare for the first time. He had just transitioned to the 1 year old room when the world shut down and now he will be going into the 2 year old room. Details on exact date I will be heading back is still to be determined but I'm thinking June.
We are also thinking that the girls will return to their school's summer program for a few days a week this summer, too! It makes me feel so excited yet also overwhelmed at getting back to some sort of pre covid normalcy.
Saidey's birthday is coming up, we have family that might be coming to town (plans still pending), and we are trying to figure out a long weekend trip for Spring Break/Saidey's birthday. We also want to go on a small summer trip- I'd love to check out a national park (Yellowstone remains one of our favorite family vacations) but we will see where the discussions take us! It's for sure exciting to start making plans as the world feels a LITTLE safer to navigate in.
Sophia and Saidey have spring conferences next week and I can't begin to tell you how proud I am of these two. They've navigated this crazy year of virtual learning with so much resiliency. They have learned so much (when Saidey first started her 2nd grade year her writing samples were terrible haha and now her overall form, like writing from left to right all across the page, have improved SO much) They've even been able to connect with friends in new ways and while I cringe at the extra screen time, in the end I know it all balances out and they're gonna be just.fine. Even more than fine- I think this year has taught them so many valuable lessons they will take with them forever.
During Sullivan's 2 year appointment, I was talking to our pediatrician about his speech. He wasn't quite stringing two words together yet and it was something we've been working on and monitoring. While he isn't talking our ears off with full, complete sentences yet, he is now stringing together 2-3 words, which is progress. We plan to keep chugging along, encouraging him to use his words, repeating ourselves constantly, and going into waay more detail about things (it's not just a truck, it's a big blue truck haha).
Saidey has been out of gymnastics for a year now and while she misses it tremendously, we just don't feel safe sending her back there due to all the potential contact and being indoors. She's been asking to do soccer for over a year and so we decided to go for it and signed her up for spring soccer. little known fact- i played soccer during elementary school into middle school on a traveling team and was terrible but still loved it. i am excited to see her play and see how she likes it.
So, that's a little life lately at the Scholtes household. Just chugging along and making the best of our time at home! Looking forward to Spring time!