Hey all! Thanks for joining me for one of my favorite posts- What's Up Wednesday! I'm linking up with Mix and Match Mama- let's get started!
What we're eating this week...
Monday: Homestyle chicken and noodles
Tuesday: Shay's late night- on your own/leftovers
Wednesday- Chili
Thursday- Tacos
Friday-Homemade pizza
What I'm reading....
Love Warrior by Glennon Doyle Melton
Seriously! So good! You all may know my LOVE for Brene Brown and so I really love Glennon's books too! I highly recommend!
I read this book last month:
Carry On, Warrior- The Power of Embracing Your Messy, Beautiful Life
And I just purchased this book to read soon:
Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult
What I'm looking forward to...
Every year, we head to Night Eyes, our local zoo's Trick or Treat night
Beggar's Night (this Sunday)
What I'm loving...
These flats have been on repeat as well as these booties
Sophia's 1st grade pictures.. she is looking oh so grown up and my mama heart just bursts in pride
What we've been up to...
House projects
Pumpkin patch and fall activities
What I'm watching...
This is Us- I'm sure if you're on social media, you've heard about this show. It's so dang good. I had my reservations because they were claiming it was the next Parenthood (my ultimate favorite show) and I just couldn't see anything living up to what Parenthood was. But guys. I think they were right!
Ben and Lauren on Freeform
Shameless on Netflix
We finished Stranger Things on Netflix last month- if you're looking for something to watch, I highly recommend!
What I'm excited about...
What I'm working on...
I wanted the look of our living room to be a little funky and modern. I chose this rug and wanted decor to match the feel of the rug. Colorful and fun. I found this cow painting at At Home and instantly fell in love and thought it matched the space perfectly. My husband's response to the cow painting was- "it's a cow." Yup, she sure is and what a beautiful cow she is =) The girls have named her Rainbow. ANYWAY, I've been wanting to find other art to fill the very large wall that Rainbow and our big clock is on but I just couldn't find the right piece(s). I decided why not let the girls paint some art work and I will frame them in gold frames I found at Target and call it a day. They finished their paintings last night and I can't wait to see the end result!
Click here for pics of our home!
What I'm listening to....
Other than my usual Pandora stations (Ed Sheeran, Today's Country, Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout) I haven't listened to any PodCasts lately- anyone have any suggestions?
What I'm wearing....
These flats have been on repeat as well as these booties
What we've been up to...
Sprucin' up our front door
Pumpkin patch and fall activities
This is Us- I'm sure if you're on social media, you've heard about this show. It's so dang good. I had my reservations because they were claiming it was the next Parenthood (my ultimate favorite show) and I just couldn't see anything living up to what Parenthood was. But guys. I think they were right!
Ben and Lauren on Freeform
Shameless on Netflix
We finished Stranger Things on Netflix last month- if you're looking for something to watch, I highly recommend!
What I'm excited about...
What I'm working on...
I wanted the look of our living room to be a little funky and modern. I chose this rug and wanted decor to match the feel of the rug. Colorful and fun. I found this cow painting at At Home and instantly fell in love and thought it matched the space perfectly. My husband's response to the cow painting was- "it's a cow." Yup, she sure is and what a beautiful cow she is =) The girls have named her Rainbow. ANYWAY, I've been wanting to find other art to fill the very large wall that Rainbow and our big clock is on but I just couldn't find the right piece(s). I decided why not let the girls paint some art work and I will frame them in gold frames I found at Target and call it a day. They finished their paintings last night and I can't wait to see the end result!
Click here for pics of our home!
What I'm listening to....
Other than my usual Pandora stations (Ed Sheeran, Today's Country, Pop and Hip Hop Power Workout) I haven't listened to any PodCasts lately- anyone have any suggestions?
What I'm wearing....