Sunday, September 25, 2016

Celebrating 7 Years of Marriage

Happy Monday y'all! We spent the entire weekend finishing packing as we are down to 4 DAYS UNTIL WE MOVE!! WOO HOO! 

Today, Will and I celebrate 7 years of marriage. We've bought a townhome, had two kids, had job changes. graduated and enrolled in master's programs, and through it all- it's been you and me, me and you. You can read all about how we met here and another post, about the things I would tell myself about marriage. 

In four days, we move to a new home and we will be making new memories. It's a new start and a new era we will be embarking upon and I can't wait to do it all with you. 

Happy Anniversary and here's to many more years! 

Join me back here sometime next week ( I say sometime because I can't make any promises) for my first home tour post! My goal is to highlight a room and share how we've decorated it! 

Have a great week!