Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekend Recap- When Daddy is away, the girls get to play edition

Where did the weekend go?! I swear, it was JUST Friday! Will left for Colorado on Friday for a work trip and so the girls and I are on our own until Wednesday. With him gone, I planned a low key weekend for the girls. 

Friday was our usual Friday night pizza night and we even got to watch a movie in the basement which is a favorite of the girls. They got to pick a movie on Netflix and we ended the night with some ice cream and cuddles in bed. (No worries, not at the same time) 

We woke up bright and early Saturday to take Odin to his vet appointment. He is a growing boy- 9.4 lbs. and is a healthy pup. We took him back home and then ran to Target to pick up a few random things.  Our house is looking quite Fall-ish- my most favorite time of the year! 

My mom and sister called and we met them out at the mall. Gap was having a 40% off sale so I picked up a few things for the girls. I also picked up some Fall scented candles at Bath and Body Works. We grabbed lunch and watched Brooklyn try to navigate our double stroller which is an event in of itself. 

We went home for naps and funny thing is that I was the only one who slept. After being poked and asked if I was sleeping. I gave up on the hope we could all sleep and got the girls up and decided to bake some cupcakes. We ate a quick supper and headed to the park by our house. After lots of trips up and down the slide, multiple trips across the monkey bars and trying to figure out how to pump our legs to get the swing going, we headed home for bed. 

The one upside to having your husband out of town is this:

Binge watching on Gilmore Girls, don't mind if I do! 

Sunday was slow and lazy. Just how Sundays should be. I made eggs and cinnamon rolls and made myself a big old cup of coffee in a new coffee mug I picked up from Target. I don't know why but this cup of coffee just tasted better in my new mug. :) 

I threw in some laundry and then we got out glitter, markers, glue, and stickers and worked on creating some art. 

After lots of glitter and stickers were placed just so, we cleaned up and the girls played while I did a little online shopping. I was busy browsing, had my wallet out beside me and Saidey joined me on the couch. She had my debit card and was playing as normal. When I went to pay, I couldn't find it and realized she had stuck it in my CD drive on my computer! Oh- remember when I wrote the post about FREAKING out.. yea.. I must have forgotten my newfound motivation to remain calm, cool and collected. Sophia even asked, "Mommy, are you going to cry?" I wasn't THAT upset but my mind went to, "How am I going to pay for gas?? How am I going to pay for anything?" I think my unnecessary hysterics were lent to the fact that WM is out of town so I was thinking if worse came to worse and I couldn't retrieve my card we would all suffer from hunger, wouldn't be able to go anywhere and what were we going to dooooo?!?! I tried my best to really let Saidey know JUST HOW SERIOUS THIS was- because her two year old mind really knew what the heck mommy was carrying on about this time. And never mind that I have a check book and credit card to last us until wm got home. Or I could have called the bank for a replacement card. Those things of close, didn't cross my mind until after the fact, however. After I disassembled my computer- the perks for knowing a computer nerd- I was able to retrieve my card. This resulted in a round of applause from the girls and Saidey giggling. Yea, you're pretty lucky I was able to get it out, girly girl! 

After those dramatics, it was time for lunch and naps. Again, I was the only one who was slightly interested in the idea of a nap (anyone else notice a theme here?). After about an hour, I decided to surrender once again and the girls played a little. We FaceTimed with Grandma and Poppa Scholtes and then headed outside to enjoy the nice weather. I made a quick dinner and then we headed back out for a quick walk around the block. We headed in for baths and bed time. 

Odin and I are just enjoying our quiet Sunday night- catching up on some recorded shows and then headed to bed soon. We don't have too much going on for the week- Sophia has school pictures on Tuesday, Will gets home Wednesday and that's about it. Hope you all had a great weekend! 

See you back here on Wednesday for What's Up Wednesday!!