Stockings. Elf on the Shelf. Lights and decorations. Christmas tree. Ornaments. Eggnog. Candy canes. Mistletoes. Presents and Packages. If you are like many families around the country, these words bring a nostalgic feeling only the holidays can do. And, if you are like many families around the country, currently, you are preparing and bustling for the upcoming holiday.
The Scholtes family members have been very busy, from moving Peppermint (our Elf) each night and trying to think of clever things Peppermint is going to surprise us with in the morning to figuring out what to gift our child care provider who does so much, each day, to cleaning and organizing for guests to stay at our home during the holidays. You know,
#firstworldproblems. I wrote this
post, about slowing down, taking things in but I am finding that pretty difficult amidst the hustle and bustle that is the holidays. From Thanksgiving through December 26th- it is non stop- traveling, shopping, preparing, cleaning and eating and it reminds me very much of wedding planning.
You do SO much to make that day JUST SO, and then that day comes, and it's gone in a blink of an eye.
With all the craziness that is the holidays- I've really tried hard this year to remember the reason for the season, and try not to get tangled in tinsel, so to speak. I am trying to slow down and really remember what this is all about. While I love the hustle and bustle of the holidays and I love the shopping, decorating and the excitement and magic of Christmas-I am humbled to realize that my #firstworldproblems are just that. There are people right in our own communities who are worrying about how they can provide their kids with just one gift for them to open on Christmas day rather than deciding between getting an American Girl doll or the Target brand, Our Generation doll.
We have put in a conscious effort this year to really talk to Sophia about being thankful as well as begin talking to her about how there are people who are less fortunate than we are. It is amazing at how excited she gets to purchase gifts for other children and the level of understanding a four year old can have. She gets it. What are some ideas you all have to help keep your children grounded during the holidays? And how do YOU stay grounded and stress free as possible? Please share!
Gingerbread House! |