Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We are saying goodbye to the nebulizer- FINALLY! Well, for now anyways! We decided that she has been doing well and we are going to just use it as an as needed basis. WHEW! We are so glad to be done with that thing- it didn't take long to do but it was just one more thing added to our bazillion things to do in the am and pm.

We are also done with the amoxicillan but think her ears may still be bothering her? She has been pulling at the right ear and hasn't ever stopped. She sometimes pulls at her ears when she is tired too, so it's hard to tell.

It's been a pretty good week at daycare, work, and class. It's been a busy, but good week. Sophia seems back to her silly self, eating and sleeping well. She even took an hour nap at daycare today! Now that's a headliner! :) We finished with conferences a few weeks ago at work, so it's pretty quiet there. Been getting outside, so that's been nice, 8 toddlers who are stir crazy, is NOT fun! Classes are wrapping up, which is pretty crazy- I only have about 7 more tapes to do and then I am done with my practicum. I presented my main project tonight in my other class and just have to keep up with my journaling for homework and I only have 3 more weeks of that class left! I am bummed out to find that one of the places I was thinking about doing my internship at filled their fall internship spot- I must be slow on the draw! The coordinator gave me four other great agencies that I am contacting to see if I could intern there. The hunt is on! I am counting down the days!

Tomorrow is our Friday so we get to come home around 3, going to a Pampered Chef party tomorrow night and then Friday, I see my clients and then it's the weekend! Hope it doesn't get as cold and icky as its supposed to get though! Anyways, will post some new pics this weekend- it's crazy hair day at daycare tomorrow, so we've got to think of something good! :)