Happy Turkey Day!! We had a great Thanksgiving with wonderful family! We sure have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving! We had a great dinner with great people. Will's parents came up and spent a few days and even took care of Sophia all day Wednesday!
On Friday Sophia had her four month appointment and all is looking well! She is gaining weight but still is pretty small- only 12 lbs and 3 oz. but is at the 86th percentile for length- 25.5 inches long! After Sophia's appt it seemed all went downhill from there. Both Will and I got extremely sick, flu like symptoms the rest of Friday into Saturday. We are not both feeling much better and even made it out to Wal Mart this evening. We are not sure if we ate something bad or if it was a stomach bug. We are hoping we just ate something bad as we hope Sophia does not get sick.
Overall, though we had a great Thanksgiving and are thankful we are feeling better!
Things Sophia is doing at 4 months:
Eating 5 oz. every 3-4 hours
Sleeping through the night (9-5:30 or 7-8 on weekends)
Eating rice cereal
Grabbing and trying to eat her toes
Smiling and giggling
Squealing VERY loudly
Rolling over from tummy to back
Favorite toys are her singing puppy and crinkly caterpillar
Reaching and grabbing for toys
Rubbing her eyes when tired
On Friday Sophia had her four month appointment and all is looking well! She is gaining weight but still is pretty small- only 12 lbs and 3 oz. but is at the 86th percentile for length- 25.5 inches long! After Sophia's appt it seemed all went downhill from there. Both Will and I got extremely sick, flu like symptoms the rest of Friday into Saturday. We are not both feeling much better and even made it out to Wal Mart this evening. We are not sure if we ate something bad or if it was a stomach bug. We are hoping we just ate something bad as we hope Sophia does not get sick.
Overall, though we had a great Thanksgiving and are thankful we are feeling better!
Things Sophia is doing at 4 months:
Eating 5 oz. every 3-4 hours
Sleeping through the night (9-5:30 or 7-8 on weekends)
Eating rice cereal
Grabbing and trying to eat her toes
Smiling and giggling
Squealing VERY loudly
Rolling over from tummy to back
Favorite toys are her singing puppy and crinkly caterpillar
Reaching and grabbing for toys
Rubbing her eyes when tired