Today we had our 30 week appointment and it was a pretty fast one at that. I got to meet a new doctor and he seemed nice, was joking around and we had fun meeting him. Baby S' heartbeat is good and I am measuring just fine for 30 weeks. He also said the baby's head was settled downwards so that was good. He asked if we had signed up for birthing classes- we have- we start this Sunday- and if we've found a pediatrician yet- we haven't.
We have found a babysitter so that's one HUGE relief and one other thing we can check off our looong check list! It is an in-home and while we, or should I say, I did, had our reservations about an in home, we met Jen and loved her. She does infant daily sheets and was very organized and professional, we were very impressed. We're super excited to get to know her and have Baby S there.
Next up for the weekend- paint! We're going to start really working on her room and getting everything ready! Also, as I am sitting writing my blog, a friend JUST had her baby, a girl! Congrats Kristie and Trav! :)