Friday, February 5, 2010
16 Week Appointment
We had our 16 week appointment today. It was, admittedly, quite boring. We got there, excited to see the Dr. again and to hear the heartbeat. We did get to hear the heartbeat (147 bpm) and that was IT! She asked if we had any questions and of course I only could think of one at the time, but once getting in the car, remembering 2-3 others I completely forgot to ask. After that, we scheduled our next appointment and that was that! So, a pretty uneventful appointment. I still haven't gained any weight, which she said was still ok. Our next appointment is March 5, which is the appointment we are anticipating for, we get to find out the sex of Baby S! FINALLY! Only four more weeks to wait! I find myself wishing time would go fast and then I remember that time already flies by so fast, to just take it slow and really appreciate everything that is going on right now. We are really excited with all the changes going on in our lives right now, Will just got a promotion at work, working in the IT department and actually working INSIDE! WOO HOO! No longer does he have to stand out in the freezing cold and wind! The job also comes with better hours, M-F, 6:30-2:30. The hours do vary but the main part is that he will get off fairly early and will be able to pick up Baby S wherever he/she ends up. We still have to figure out the whole child care thing and we really need to start looking. The good thing is, is that we do still have some time to figure it out. I just hope other centers don't have as long a waiting list as mine right now. EEK. Will post a new picture of the belly soon too! :)