Happy MLK Day everyone! I have the day off today and it's amazing how far we've come and I think he'd be proud, although I think we do have a long ways to go! :)
I can't believe I'm entering the second trimester already and from what I've been hearing the second trimester brings relief from some of the symptoms that I have been experiencing. Although, I have to admit, I have been pretty darn lucky so far. One new symptom I have is cramping or sharp pain on the side of my abdomen. After doing a little research I found that it could be what is called round ligament pain. As the uterus grows and stretches the bands around it become thinner, causing pain in the abdomen. The good thing is it is a good pain, it means my uterus is growing and all I'm experiencing is growing pains. I'll probably ask my Dr. at my next appointment just to verify. :)
I also have started to show a little, but to most, especially those who do not yet know I am pregnant, it probably just looks like I am bloated or have eaten too big of a lunch. I can definitely tell a difference in my stomach and how my clothes are fitting. Most of my pants are fitting fine, but many of my shirts are way too tight in the stomach area. My sister in law let me borrow her bellaband, this wide band that you wear over the top of your jeans so you can wear your pre-pregnancy pants later into your pregnancy. I have to say I already wore it on Sunday and I am definitely going to have to purchase another one! I also bought two maternity shirts this weekend too and they fit so much better than my regular shirts! I am still in this weird, middle stage, where my regular clothes are getting too tight but most maternity clothes are too big still. I am ready to get that baby bump and am so excited to be able to feel it move- which will be soon!
Will is excited too, he can already see the first signs of a baby bump and I think he is excited for all the exciting upcoming things we have to look forward to.