Hey Monday! Er.. Tuesday!! We had another fantastic weekend! We spent the weekend in St. Louis, visiting Aunt Sara and the city of St. Louis.
We arrived late Friday night and the girls jumped right into bed and rested up for a fun Saturday. We woke up, the girls walked with Aunt Sara to get donuts and after breakfast, we all headed to the Science Center.
Building a tower |
"Mom, put Kiana on top!" |
Saidey says, "Forget this building business, let's just roll on the blocks!" |
Sail boat race! Sophia and Aunt Sara for WIN! |
Someone was not so sure.... |
Digging for fossils |
Water fun in the Discovery room |
This girl stayed at the dollhouse for the entire 45 minutes.. Christmas idea, perhaps?! |
My little artist |
Getting ready to see the dino show! |
"Ali" the Alosaur
or per Saidey "No Ali, no!"
After the Science Center, we headed home for rest time and then headed out to play at the Splash Pad downtown before dinner out.
We tried going to the Arch but the tickets were all sold out. We headed home and settled in for bed after a fun, but busy day!
On Sunday, after a quick breakfast, we headed to the St. Louis Zoo. Other than complaints that our feet were hurting and we wanted carried, the girls had a lot of fun checking out all the animals. Some favorites: the penguins, polar bear, and orangutans!
Since the girls were tuckered out after the zoo, we took a little tour of the city and drove around to give the girls some time to sleep. We went back to Aunt Sara's, had a quick lunch and put in a movie for quiet time. Quiet time didn't last too long before the girls headed outside with Aunt Sara to play in the water.
Bahaha... she was wrapped so tightly, when she fell she was stuck. Of course, before helping her, I had to get a quick pic.
We cleaned up, ate an early dinner and headed downtown to visit the Arch.
After the arch, we headed to Ted Drewes- almost the only part of our trip last Summer that Sophia remembered. :)
We woke up on Labor Day and had a quiet morning. After a late breakfast, it was time to pack up and say our goodbyes.
Thanks for having our crazy crew, Aunt Sara! It was so great getting to spend time with you!
The road trip home was uneventful and thankfully the six hours seemed to go quickly. We were home by 5, picked up pizza from Hy-Vee and got home to unpack, eat and get to bed. As Will was making his rounds around the house, he noticed that our water heater was leaking in the basement- and to our dismay it seems as though it is time to replace it. UGH! I mean, how exciting it is to spend money on a water heater!? Thankfully, we know some people, :) and it will be fixed tonight.
Other than that little welcome home surprise, it was a great way to wrap up Summer! We look forward to Sophia's open house at her school this evening and then a quiet week.
Happy Tuesday friends!