Well we are officially at the end of our pregnancy! We go in tomorrow at 7:30 to be induced! I can't believe that it is finally here! I hope I can get some good sleep tonight so I can be ready for tomorrow but I have a feeling excitement may be too much! This was my last day at work today too and I felt so much love and support from everyone, my families and other co workers. It seems we have a lot of people who are keeping us in their thoughts and are just as excited about Baby S' arrival as we are! My mom came down already and we went to eat with her then we came home and are just doing some last minute stuff around the house. Going to try to get to bed at a decent hour and then we have to call the hospital at 6:30 to make sure everything is still a go, I sure hope it is! Anyways, the next post I will be making will be to introduce Baby S! Can't wait!