This weekend was fun but really busy and went way too fast as usual. We went to Marshalltown on Saturday and went to the aquatic center with the family and relaxed in the lazy river and went swimming. It was a great day. We then met my dad and Carrie at Hickory Park in Ames for some great food and headed home to DSM late Saturday night. On Father's Day we kept it pretty low key, watched a movie at home, took a nap and then headed to our last prenatal class. We did a general overview of everything. After that I took Will to Red Lobster for his Dad to be meal- he really likes the biscuits, and so do I!
This week hopefully goes by fast and then we'll be getting ready for Will's family to come to town and then my baby shower on Saturday. Sunday we are going to the Country Bash- we'll see how long I last there, at least tickets were only $20! We also have a 1 year old birthday party to go to that morning so to say the least it's going to be another busy weekend coming up!